Japan 2008
WKKA Kenshikan Scotland

About Page

Insight Page

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Glasgow Dai Ichi - Classes

Glasgow Dai Ni - Classes

Examination Results

Photo Album 1

Photo Album 2

Favourite Links

Kata List


Japan 2003

Japan 2008

Instructor Info

Black Belts



W.K.K.A. 45th Anniversary

Team Scotland consisted of:

  • Kengo Fukushihandai
  • Amanda Shidoin
  • Nick Shidoin


Our 3rd visit to Japan and the most important to pay our respects to Kaiso Sensei and Soke Sensei. Thoughts for the loss of Misugi Shihandai. Misugi Shihandai visited Scotland in 1993 and was a past WKKA Kata Champion.




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Under Construction 13th April 2010